Washougal School Board & CRT
Washougal School Board Endorses Racist CRT Curriculum: [caption id="attachment_222" align="alignright" width="300"] Site Sponsor[/caption] Editor's note: Hundreds of concerned parents have recently spoken out in disapproval of CRT (Critical Race Theory) in the Washougal School Curriculum. However, the Washougal school board has evaded this public scrutiny by dodging questions and feigning ignorance. While the Washougal, Washington School Board has publicly claimed that it does not endorse CRT, it is simultaneously pushing an agenda which judges children by the color of their skin and other immutable characteristics. Publicly, the school board claims to not even know what CRT is. Despite this, the school board seeks to divide students up by color and socioeconomic status. The following diagram was taken from a Washougal School District Meeting. [caption id="attachment_159" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Circle Of Oppression[/caption]…