Washougal Out In Force 05-25-21

Washougal Out In Force 05-25-21

school board, Washougal Washington
05/25/2021 | 6:00pm Washougal School District Headquarters 4855 Evergreen Way, Washougal, WA 98671 Washougal School Board Meeting: Citizens demand health freedom, ending CRT policies. Washougal came out in force. Flags waved while people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds united to celebrate freedom and to make their voices heard. If I were to describe the mood outside of the Washougal, Wa School Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 25th, I'd say it was festive. Children laughed and played while a gospel country band provided entertainment for the crowd. Perhaps miraculously, the torrential rains of the day let up and the event went on smoothly. Neighbors (tired of a year of lock-downs) caught up on small talk and neighborhood news. Other community organizers grilled hundreds of cheeseburgers that were freely given out…
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Camas Parents Speak Out 05/24/21

Camas Parents Speak Out 05/24/21

Camas Washington, school board
05/24/2021 | 5:30pm Camas, Wa School District Headquarters 841 NE 22nd Ave, Camas, WA 98607 Camas & Washougal Families Make Their Voices Heard "2 weeks to flatten the curve" has now eclipsed the one-year mark. This much is certain, Camas and Washougal families are tired of the lock-downs and are demanding to have their voices heard. Rain fell in typical Pacific Northwest fashion as people gathered to make their voices heard. However, the inclement weather did not dampen the spirits for the dozens of parents and concerned citizens who attended the peaceful assembly. Issues ranged from concerns over Critical Race Theory (CRT), the seemingly endless mask-mandates and the Camas School District's COVID-19 vaccination policy. The evening was calm and peaceful, although emotions ran high for a brief moment, cooler heads…
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